Halloween is in FIFTY-ONE DAYS!
Colour me black and orange I'm so excited. I LOVE Halloween - in case those of you who have been in the shop in October couldn't tell. Lights, cobwebs, spiders and Bruce.

(Dressed for Valentine's Day, obviously. What else do you do with a glow-in-the-dark Skelly when it's not October?)
Now, to pull this ride off, I'm going to need help, right? Given that it's an MS fundraiser, I really want this to work.
That is why I am writing today, to appeal to the fun and goofy side of you.
You know you used to love Halloween, and a bunch still do, because you can dress up and be someone else for a while; because there are all kinds of fun ways to be (harmlessly) scared; and, face it, the candy.
So! This year, let's have some fun and pass those same feelings on to the up-and-coming generations and get this haunted bike ride moving.
So far, I have the city, Hyde Park BIA, MS Canada, (though I am still waiting for more details), FM96 and Classic Rock 98.1 all on board. The radio stations may actually be there, too!
What I need from you all is bodies.
I have a bit of a vision. There is a lot of plant life on that path and I think we can take advantage of that. We can do the usual stuff -- spider webs and spiders, spooky lighting, "bloody" things, zombies crawling out of brush, other monsters springing out, maybe an animatronic. (Like this one. hehe Or this one from Costco. Maybe they'll lend or rent it? Maybe Rona will let us use one of these?)
This is the first year and it's going to only be one night -- the Saturday before Halloween, which is the 26th -- but maybe future years will see more than one night. But that's a thought for another day.
In the meantime, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jKoXMSAMsc7m_UeIJL5rRGThFDSOWskUMvsT10Pi-QU/edit
I think our first meeting will be either Saturday the 14th at 4pm or Sunday the 15th around 1pm. Let me know what works best for you - majority rules.
Personally, I am leaning toward Saturday. Don't ghost me. ;)
Let me know!
“Sisters, All Hallows’ Eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes and run amok!” — Winifred Sanderson, “Hocus Pocus”
Either day works for us. Already did the form.
Bill & Brenda Rothwell