Spoke & Sprocket
London's Best Little Bicycle Repair Shop
​We are Full! Next Intake: Sept (it's September already??)7th
​Tube and tire changes welcome anytime. Call for all other repairs.
Open 7-6 Mon- Wed, Fri; 7-5 Thurs & Sat.
Call, text at 519-694-7300, or email at: info@spokeandsprocket.ca
Closed Sundays and all stat holidays.
Fall & Winter Policy
From October 1st to March 1st, our intake is as follows:
For the month of October, we are accepting walk-ins at any time. We will cut it off when the shop is full then start all over again on Saturday, but we are not expecting anyone to be here bright and early on Saturday morning. Have a problem? Come on in.
November 1st to December 20th, we are open by appointment only. We are doing restorations, bike assemblies, and winter rider bikes at this point. From the 20th until Christmas Eve, we are open only for pickups.
We are CLOSED Christmas Eve until February first.
We are open by appointment only through February.
We open again March 1st.
Our Intake Policy
(in effect in season)
During the cycling season, we are open 7-6 Monday to Wednesday and Friday and 7-5 on Thursday and Saturday.
We take in all the bikes for tune-ups for the week on Saturday starting at 7 am ONLY. That way, we can work on everything and get everyone's bikes back to them by the end of the following Friday.
It works pretty simply: The first few bikes will be returned on Monday, the next group on Tuesday, and so on through the week.
We would appreciate it if you only brought in a MAX of two bikes at a time. It allows for more customers to get their bikes in. However, we do encourage you to swap out the first two for the next bikes (up to two) when you pick up the completed ones.
We call when they're done so you can come pick it up and we hope that by the end of Friday, our shop will be empty before we take in the next group of people's bikes on Saturday morning.
We are often full by 8:30 so be early! We will not be opening any earlier than 7; we want to be fair to everyone. The other thing that will make it fair for everyone is our policy of only two bikes per family. When you pick up your two bikes, you can drop off the next one.
Please remove locks before bringing your bike in; particularly if they cover cables, brakes, or the steerer tube. Also, if your wheel has a special lock in the axle and cannot be removed without a key or special tool, please bring the tool.
Tires and tubes and wheel fixes we do at any time, provided you bring them off the bike. This last is important because if you don't, we may not have room for the bike to be stored while we fix your wheels up. We'd love to help you but it does require your cooperation in this particular matter.
We'd love to see you!
Stat Holidays 2024
(rest days! Aka "ride days!")
Monday, Feb 19th - Family Day
Monday, April 1st - Easter Monday
Monday, May 20th - Victoria Day
Monday, July 1st - Canada Day
Saturday & Sunday July 27th & 28th - MS Ride (Wish us luck!)
Monday August 5th - Civic Holiday
Monday, September 2nd - Labour Day
Monday, October 14th - Thanksgiving
We will be closed Dec 23rd to Feb 1st